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Makers Mastery PreCourse
Before you start...
Makers Code of Conduct
TEC agreements
Completing the PreCourse
Problem Solving
A word on Pills and Learning Objectives
Week 1 - Development Setup
Week 1 - Overview
Lesson 1: Development Setup - Dev tools
Lesson 2: Development Setup - Installing Visual Studio Code
Dev setup: Learning Objectives
Week 1 - Command Line
Lesson 3: Command Line - Introduction
Lesson 4: Basic Commands - Showing the date
Lesson 5: Basic Commands - Listing files
Lesson 6: Basic Commands - Changing directories
Lesson 7: Basic Commands - Printing working directory
Lesson 8: Basic Commands - Listing hidden files
Lesson 9: Basic Commands - Creating files
Lesson 10: Basic Commands - Parameters
Lesson 11: Basic Commands - Creating and destroying directories
Lesson 12: Basic commands - Copying and moving files
Lesson 13: Basic Commands - Viewing files
Lesson 14: Basic Commands - Viewing large files
Lesson 15: Basic Commands - Tailing files
Lesson 16: Basic Commands - Getting help
Lesson 17: Intermediate Commands - Streams
Lesson 18: Intermediate Commands - Pipes and redirection
Lesson 19: Intermediate Commands - Wildcards
Lesson 20: Intermediate Commands - Regular expressions
Lesson 21: Intermediate Commands - Counting words
Lesson 22: Intermediate Commands - Permissions
Lesson 23: Advanced Commands - Shebang
Lesson 24: Advanced Commands - Superuser mode
Lesson 25: Advanced Commands - Environment
Lesson 26: Advanced Commands - Echo
Lesson 27: Advanced Commands - PATH
Lesson 28: Advanced Commands - Setting environment variables
Lesson 29: Advanced Commands - Profile files
Lesson 30: Advanced Commands - Processes
Lesson 31: Advanced Commands - Vim
Command Line - Learning Objectives
Week 1 - Version Control
Lesson 32: Version Control - Introduction
Lesson 33: Git - Setting up
Lesson 34: Git - Your first git repository
Lesson 35: Git - Initialise version control
Lesson 36: Git - Adding files to the staging area
Lesson 37: Git - Committing files
Lesson 38: Git - Checking the status
Lesson 39: Git - Viewing the log of changes
Lesson 40: Git - Removing files
Lesson 41: Git - Going back in history
Lesson 42: GitHub
Lesson 43: Using GitHub
Lesson 44: Git workflow
Lesson 45: Pulling code from GitHub
Lesson 46: When and how to commit
Lesson 47: File organisation
Lesson 48: Cloning repositories from GitHub
Lesson 49: Using Git to collaborate with others
Lesson 50: Git branching
Version Control: Optional Materials
Version Control - Learning Objectives
Week 1 - Challenge
Challenge: Command Line Mystery
Week 1 - Feedback
Week 1 - Feedback
Weeks 2 and 3 - Ruby with Mastery Learning
Weeks 2 and 3 - Goals
Ruby with mastery learning
Ruby Learning Objectives
More Ruby resources
Weeks 2 and 3 - Feedback
Week 4 - More Ruby
Week 4 - Goals
TDD and Pair Programming over FizzBuzz
Student Directory: Introduction
Step 1: Setting up the environment
Step 2: Printing the list of students
Step 3: Refactoring
Step 4: Arrays
Step 5: Methods
Step 6: Adding more information
Step 7: Asking for user input
Step 8: Exercises
Step 9: Adding an interactive menu
Step 10: More refactoring
Step 11: Saving the data to a file
Step 12: Loading the data from the file
Step 13: Taking arguments from the command line
Step 14: More exercises
Ruby: Learning Objectives
GitHub CV: Instructions
GitHub CV: Clean up
GitHub CV: Notes
Week 4 - Feedback
Extra Work
Suggested extra work
Knowledge pills
Pills: Introduction
Code reviews
Continuous Integration
Control Flow
GitHub Collaboration
Parallel Assignment
Shovel Operator
String Interpolation
Asking for user input
Dev setup: Learning Objectives
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